The 45 organizations and secretariats in Switzerland

The headquarters agreements, tax agreements and agreements on privileges and immunities/on the status that
the Swiss Federal Council has concluded with the Intergovernmental organizations, international institutions,
secretariats established under an international treaty, quasi-governmental international organizations and other
international bodies based in Switzerland are published in the systematic collection of federal law (RS) in the
three official Swiss languages (French, German and Italian).

Intergovernmental organizations, international institutions or secretariats
with headquarters agreement

ACWL- Advisory Centre on WTO Law
ACWL – Centre consultatif sur la législation de l’OMC
Avenue Giuseppe Motta 31-33, CH – 1211 Geneva 20
Tel. +41 22 919 21 21, fax +41 22 919 21 22
Executive Director: Mr Niall Meagher (USA)
Date of creation: 1999 (constituent agreement)
Number of members: 39 States
Situation of Switzerland: Switzerland is a member of the ACWL
Headquarters agreement:
– Ref.: RS
– Date of the agreement: 18.10.2001
– Came into force: 18.10.2001

ALIPH – International Alliance for the protection of heritage in conflict areas
ALIPH – Alliance internationale pour la protection du patrimoine dans les zones en conflit
Chemin de Balexert 7-9, CH – 1219 Châtelaine/Geneva
Executive Director: Mr Valéry Freland (France)
Date of creation: 2017
Headquarters agreement:
– Ref.: RS
– Date of agreement: 11.10.2017
– Came into force: 11.10.2017

ATT – Secretariat of the Arms Trade Treaty
ATT – Secrétariat du Traité sur le commerce des armes
Avenue de la paix 7 bis, CH – 1211 Geneva 11
Head of the Secretariat: Mr Simeon Dumisani Dladla (South Africa)
Date of creation: 2013 (treaty adopted by the UNO)
Number of States parties: 111 States
Situation of Switzerland: Switzerland is a State parties of the treaty (2015)
Headquarters agreement:
– Ref.: RS
– Date of the agreement: 13.06.2016
– Came into force: 13.06.2016


BIS – Bank for International Settlements
BRI – Banque des règlements internationaux
Centralbahnplatz 2, CH – 4002 Basel
Tel. +41 61 280 80 80, fax +41 61 280 91 00
General Director: Mr Agustin Guillermo Carstens Carstens (Mexico)
Date of creation: 1930
Number of members: 63 central Banks (States and European central Bank)
Situation of Switzerland: the Swiss national Bank is a member of the BIS
Headquarters agreement:
– Ref.: RS
– Date of the agreement: 10.02.1987
– Came into force: 10.02.1987

CERN – European Organisation for Nuclear Research
CERN – Organisation européenne pour la recherche nucléaire
Esplanade des Particules 1, P.O. Box, CH – 1211 Geneva 23 (Meyrin)
Tel. +41 22 767 61 11, fax +41 22 767 65 55
General Director: Ms Fabiola Gianotti (Italy)
Date of creation: 1954
Number of members: 23 States
Situation of Switzerland: Switzerland is a member of the CERN
Headquarters agreement:
– Ref.: RS
– Date of the agreement: 11.06.1955
– Came into force: 03.05.1955

EFTA – European Free Trade Association
AELE – Association européenne de libre-échange
Rue de Varembé 9-11, CH – 1211 Geneva 20
Tel. +41 22 332 26 26, fax +41 22 332 26 99
General Secretary: Mr Henri Gétaz (Switzerland)
Date of creation: 1960
Number of members: 4 States
Situation of Switzerland: Switzerland is a member of the EFTA
Headquarters agreement:
– Ref.: RS
– Date of the agreement: 10.08.1961
– Came into force: 10.08.1961

GAVI – Global alliance for vaccines and immunization
GAVI – Alliance mondiale pour les vaccins et l’immunisation
Chemin du Pommier 40, CH – 1218 Le Grand-Saconnex
Tel. +41 22 909 65 00, fax +41 22 909 65 50
Executive Director: Mr Seth Berkley (USA)
Date of creation: 2000
Remark: GAVI is a public-private partnership.
Headquarters agreement:
– Ref.: RS
– Date of the agreement: 23.06.2009
– Came into force: 01.01.2009


GCERF – Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund
GCERF – Fonds mondial pour l’Engagement de la Communauté et la Résilience
Avenue de France 23, CH – 1202 Geneva
Tel. + 41 22 306 08 11
Executive Director: Mr Khalid Koser (Great-Britain)
Date of creation: 2014
Remark: GCERF is a public-private partnership.
Headquarters agreement:
– Ref.: RS
– Date of the agreement: 26.05.2015
– Came into force: 26.05.2015

Global Fund – Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
Fonds mondial – Fonds mondial de lutte contre le sida, la tuberculose et le paludisme
Chemin du Pommier 40, CH – 1218 Grand-Saconnex (Geneva)
Tel. +41 58 791 17 00, fax +41 58 791 17 01
Executive Director: Mr Peter Sands (Great-Britain)
Date of creation: 2002
Remark: the Global Fund is an independent organization, governed by an international Board of directors
consisted of representatives of donors and of beneficiary governments, of NGOs, of the private sector and
of affected communities.
Situation of Switzerland: Switzerland is a donor of the Global Fund.
Headquarters agreement:
– Ref.: RS
– Date of the agreement: 13.12.2004
– Came into force: 13.12.2004

IBE-UNESCO – International Bureau of Education
BIE-UNESCO – Bureau international d’éducation
Route des Morillons 15, CH – 1218 Grand-Saconnex (Geneva)
Tel. +41 22 917 78 00, fax +41 22 917 78 01
Executive Director: Mr Yao Ydo (Burkina Faso)
Date of creation: 1925
Number of members: 12 States are members of the Council of IBE; UNESCO has 193 members States and
11 associate members.
Situation of Switzerland: Switzerland is a member of the Council of IBE and member of the UNESCO
Remark: Since 1969, IBE is an integral part of the UNESCO (Paris – specialized institution of the United
Headquarters agreement:
– Ref. RS
– Date of the agreement: 15.11.1946
– Came into force: 15.11.1946

ICDO – International Civil Defence Organization
OIPC – Organisation internationale de protection civile
Chemin de Surville 10-12, CH – 1213 Petit-Lancy (Geneva)
Tel. +41 22 879 69 69, fax +41 22 879 69 79
General Secretary: Ms Mariatou Njoupouo Yap (Cameroon)
Date of creation: 1972
Number of members: 60 States, 16 observers and 22 affiliated members
Situation of Switzerland: Switzerland has an observer’s status within the ICDO
Headquarter agreement:
– Ref.: RS
– Date of the agreement: 10.03.1976
– Date of coming into force: 16.03.1976

ICRC – International Committee of the Red Cross
CICR – Comité international de la Croix Rouge
Avenue de la Paix 19, CH – 1202 Geneva
Tel. +41 22 734 60 01, fax +41 22 733 20 57
President: Mr Peter Maurer (Switzerland)
President elected (01.10.2022): Ms Mirjana Spoljaric Egger (Switzerland)
Date of creation: 1863
Remark: The ICRC has no member states. The members of the committee are recruited by cooptation
among Swiss citizens (between 15 and 25 persons).
Headquarters agreement:
– Ref.: RS
– Date of the agreement: 19.03.1993
– Came into force: 19.03.1993

IFRC – International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
FISCR – Fédération internationale des sociétés de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge
Chemin des Crêts 17, Petit-Saconnex, 1209 Geneva
Tel. +41 22 730 42 22, fax +41 22 730 42 00
General Secretary: Mr Jagan Chapagain (Nepal)
Date of creation: 1919
Remark: the IFRC consists of 192 national societies of the Red Cross and of the Red Crescent (including
the Swiss Red Cross). The Movement of Red Cross and Red Crescent consists of the IFRC, the ICRC and
the national societies of the Red Cross and of the Red Crescent.
Headquarters agreement:
– Ref.: RS
– Date of the agreement: 29.11.1996
– Came into force: 29.11.1996


ILO – International Labour Organization
OIT – Organisation internationale du travail
Route des Morillons 4, CH – 1211 Geneva 22
Tel. +41 22 799 61 11, fax +41 22 798 86 85
General Director: Mr Guy Ryder (Great-Britain)
General Director elected (01.10.2022): Mr Gilbert Fossoun Houngbo (Togo)
Date of creation: 1919
Number of members: 187 States
Situation of the Switzerland: Switzerland is a member of the ILO
Headquarters agreement:
– Ref.: RS
– Date of the agreement: 11.03.1946
– Came into force: 27.05.1946

IOM – International Organisation for Migration
OIM – Organisation internationale pour les migrations
Route des Morillons 17, CH – 1211 Geneva 19
Tel. +41 22 717 91 11, fax +41 22 798 61 50
General Director: Mr António Manuel de Carvalho Ferreira Vitorino (Portugal)
Date of creation: 1951
Number of members: 174 States and 8 observers
Situation of Switzerland: Switzerland is a member of the IOM
Headquarters agreement:
– Ref.: RS
– Date of the agreement: 07.04.1954
– Came into force: 03.05.1954

IPU – Inter-Parliamentary Union
UIP – Union interparlementaire
Chemin du Pommier 5, CH – 1218 Grand-Saconnex (Geneva)
Tel. +41 22 919 41 50, fax +41 22 919 41 60
General Secretary: Mr Martin Pukwareke Chungong (Cameroon)
Date of creation: 1889
Number of members: 173 parliaments and 11 associates
Situation of the Switzerland: The Swiss parliament is a member of the IPU
Headquarters agreement:
– Ref.: RS
– Date of the agreement: 28.09.1971
– Came into force: 01.01.1971


ITU – International Telecommunication Union
UIT – Union internationale des télécommunications
Place des Nations, CH – 1211 Geneva 20
Tel. +41 22 730 51 11, fax +41 22 733 72 56
General Secretary: Mr Houlin Zhao (China)
Date of creation: 1934
Number of members: 193 States, more of 900 members of sectors and associates
Situation of the Switzerland: Switzerland is a member of the ITU
Remark: in 1865, signature of the International agreement of telegraphs and creation of the International
Telegraphic Union. In 1906, signature of the International agreement of radiotelegraphs. In 1932, the
Conference of Madrid decided to combine both aforesaid agreements to form the International agreement of
telecommunications. This conference also decided to change the name of the International Union of
Telegraphs to International Telecommunication Union.
Headquarters agreement:
– Ref.: RS
– Date of the agreement: 22.07.1971
– Came into force: 22.07.1971

OSCE Court – Arbitration and Conciliation Court within the OSCE
Cour OSCE – Cour de conciliation et d’arbitrage au sein de l’OSCE
Avenue de France 23, CH – 1202 Geneva
Tel. +41 22 758 00 25, fax +41 22 758 25 10
President: Mr Emmanuel Decaux (France)
Date of creation: 1995
Number of members: 34 States ratified the Agreement
Situation of Switzerland: Switzerland is a part in the Agreement establishing the organization.
Remark: the members of the Court are eminent personalities with a wide experience in international law.
Headquarters agreement:
– Ref.: RS
– Date of the agreement: 17.11.1997
– Came into force: 17.11.1997

OTIF – Intergovernmental Organization for International Carriage by Rail
OTIF – Organisation intergouvernementale pour les transports internationaux ferroviaires
Gryphenhübeliweg 30, CH – 3006 Bern
Tel. +41 31 359 10 10, fax +41 31 359 10 11
General Secretary: Mr Wolfgang Küpper (Germany)
Date of creation: 1893
Number of members: 50 States and 1 associated member
Situation of the Switzerland: Switzerland is a member of the OTIF.
Remark: OTIF exists since 01.05.1985, on the basis of the Agreement relative to the railway international
transport (COTIF) of 09.05.1980. Its predecessor was the Central office of the international transport by
railroads, created in 1893.
Headquarter agreement:
– Ref.: RS
– Date of the agreement: 10.02.1988
– Came into force: 10.02.1988


SC – South Center
CS – Centre Sud
International Environment House 2, Chemin de Balexert 7-9, CH – 1219 Châtelaine
Tel. +41 22 791 80 50, fax +41 22 798 85 31
Executive Director: Mr Carlos Maria Correa (Argentina)
Date of creation: 1995
Number of members: 54 States
Situation of Switzerland: Switzerland is not a member of the South Center
Remark: in September 1986, creation of a special independent committee “South Committee” to promote
the South-South cooperation. The South Center is the body of the follow-up of the South Committee since
1990. On 30.07.1995, the SC was transformed into an intergovernmental organization (date of the coming
into force of the constituent treaty).
Headquarters agreement:
– Ref.: RS
– Date of the agreement: 20.03.1997
– Came into force: 20.03.1997

UNO – United Nations Organization with headquarters in New York
ONU – Organisation des Nations Unies avec siège à New York
General Secretary: Mr António Guterres (Portugal)
Date of creation: 1945
Number of members: 193 States
Situation of the Switzerland: Switzerland is a member of the UNO
Headquarters agreement:
– Ref.: RS
– Date of the agreement: 11.06/01.07.1946
– Came into force: 01.07.1946

UNOG – United Nations Office at Geneva
ONUG – Office des Nations Unies à Genève
Palais des Nations, CH – 1211 Geneva 10
Tel. +41 22 917 12 34, fax +41 22 917 01 23
General Director: Ms Tatiana Valovaya (Russia)
Remark: the headquarters agreement concluded with the UNO is applicable to the UNOG (RS

UPOV – International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants
UPOV – Union internationale pour la protection des obtentions végétales
Chemin des Colombettes 34, CH – 1211 Geneva 20
Tel. +41 22 338 91 11, fax +41 22 733 03 36
General assistant Secretary: Mr Peter Button (Great Britain and Switzerland) (the General Secretary is the
General Director of the WIPO, Mr Francis Gurry)
Date of creation: 1961
Number of members: 78
Situation of the Switzerland: Switzerland is a member of the UPOV
Headquarters agreement:
– Ref.: RS
– Date of the agreement: 17.11.1983
– Came into force: 17.11.1983

UPU – Universal Postal Union
UPU – Union postale universelle
Weltpoststrasse 4, CH – 3000 Bern 15
Tel. +41 31 350 31 11, fax +41 31 350 31 10
General Director: Mr Masahiko Metoki (Japan)
Date of creation: 1874
Number of members: 192 States
Situation of the Switzerland: Switzerland is a member of the UPU
Remark: the Treaty of Bern, establishing the General Union of the Post Offices, was signed on 9.10.1874.
The General Union of the Post Offices became the Universal Postal Union in 1978.
Headquarters agreement:
– Ref.: RS
– Date of the agreement: 05.02/22.04.1948
– Came into force: 22.04.1948

WHO – World Health Organization
OMS – Organisation mondiale de la santé
Avenue Appia 20, CH – 1211 Geneva 27
Tel. +41 22 791 21 11, fax +41 22 791 31 11
General Director: Mr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (Ethiopia)
Date of creation: 1948
Number of members: 194 States
Situation of the Switzerland: Switzerland is a member of the WHO
Headquarters agreement:
– Ref.: RS
– Date of the agreement: 21.08.1948
– Came into force: 17.07.1948

WIPO – World Intellectual Property Organization
OMPI – Organisation mondiale de la propriété intellectuelle
Chemin des Colombettes 34, CH – 1211 Geneva 20
Tel. +41 22 338 91 11, fax +41 22 733 54 28
General Director: Mr Daren Tang (Singapore)
Date of creation: 1970
Number of members: 193 States
Situation of Switzerland: Switzerland is a member of the WIPO
Remark: in 1883, signature of the Agreement of Paris for the protection of industrial property. In 1886,
signature of the Agreement of Bern for the protection of literary and artistic works. In 1893, creation of the
combined international Offices for the protection of intellectual property (BIRPI). In 1970, following the
coming into force of the Agreement establishing the WIPO, the BIRPI became the WIPO.
Headquarters agreement:
– Ref.: RS
– Date of the agreement: 09.12.1970
– Came into force: 26.04.1970

WMO – World Meteorological Organization
OMM – Organisation météorologique mondiale
Avenue de la Paix 7bis, CH – 1211 Geneva 2
Tel. +41 22 730 81 11, fax +41 22 730 81 81
General Secretary: Mr Jukka Petteri Taalas (Finland)
Date of creation: 1950
Number of members: 187 States members and 6 territories
Situation of the Switzerland: Switzerland is a member of the WMO
Remark: in 1947, adoption of the incorporation of the WMO by the 12th Conference of the directors of the
International Meteorological Organization (IMO). Although the Agreement came into effect in 1950, the
WMO succeeded to the IMO in 1951.
Headquarters agreement:
– Ref.: RS
– Date of the agreement: 10.03.1955
– Came into force: 20.12.1951

WTO – World Trade Organization
OMC – Organisation mondiale du commerce
Rue de Lausanne 154, CH – 1211 Geneva 21
Tel. +41 22 739 51 11, fax +41 22 731 42 06
General Director: Ms Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala (Nigeria)
Date of creation: 1995
Number of members: 164 members and 25 observer governments
Situation of the Switzerland : Switzerland is a member of the WTO
Headquarters agreement:
– Ref.: RS
– Date of the agreement: 02.06.1995
– Came into force: 02.06.1995

IATA – International Air Transport Association
IATA – Association du transport aérien international
Route de l’Aéroport 33, CH – 1215 Geneva 15
Tel. +41 22 770 25 25, fax +41 22 798 35 53
General Director: Mr Willie Walsh (Ireland)
Date of creation: 1945
Number of members: about 290 airline companies
Tax agreement:
– Ref.: RS
– Date of the agreement: 20.12.1976
– Came into force: 01.01.1977

IEC – International Electrotechnical Commission
IEC – Commission électrotechnique internationale
Rue de Varembé 3, P.O. Box 131, CH- 1211 Geneva 20
Tel. + 41 22 919 02 11, fax +41 22 919 03 00
General Secretary: Mr Philipp Metzger (Switzerland)
Date of creation: 1906
Number of members: 62 and 26 associated members
Situation of the Switzerland: Switzerland is a member of the IEC (Swiss Electrotechnical
Committee (CES)
Tax agreement:
– Ref: RS
– Date of agreement: 16.12.2008
– Came into force: 01.01.2009

ISO – International Organization for Standardization
ISO – Organisation internationale de normalisation
Chemin de Blandonnet 8, CH – 1214 Vernier (Geneva)
Tel. +41 22 749 01 11, fax +41 22 733 34 30
General Secretary: Mr Sergio Mujica Montes (Chile)
Date of creation: 1947
Number of members: 167 national bodies of normalization
Situation of the Switzerland: The Swiss association of normalization is a member of the ISO.
Tax agreement:
– Ref.: RS
– Date of the agreement: 29.06.2006
– Came into force: 29.06.2006

IUCN – World Conservation Union
UICN – Union mondiale pour la nature
Rue Mauverney 28, CH – 1196 Gland (Canton of Vaud)
Tel. +41 22 999 00 00, fax +41 22 999 00 25
General Director: Mr. Bruno Oberle (Switzerland)
Date of creation: 1948
Number of members: 1300 (States, governmental agencies, national NGOs, international NGOs)
Situation of the Switzerland: Switzerland is a member of the IUCN
Tax agreement:
– Ref.: RS
– Date of the agreement: 17.12.1986
– Came into force: 01.01.1987

SITA – Airline Telecommunications and Information Services
SITA – Société internationale de télécommunications aéronautiques
Chemin de Joinville 26, CH – 1216 Cointrin (Geneva)
Tel. +41 22 747 61 11, fax +41 22 747 61 10
General Secretary: Mr Alain Brodeur (Canada)
Date of creation: 1949
Number of members: more than 400 members (airline companies, airports, etc.)
Tax agreement:
– Ref.: RS
– Date of the agreement: 04.06.1992
– Came into force: 04.06.1992

WADA – World Anti-Doping Agency (European Regional Office in Lausanne – headquarters in Montreal)
AMA – Agence mondiale antidopage
Avenue de Rhodanie 54, CH – 1007 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 343 43 40, fax +41 21 343 43 41
Director of the European regional Office: Mr Sébastien Gillot (Switzerland and France)
Date of creation: 1999 (beginning of the activities: 01.07.2000)
Number of members (Board): 38 (representatives of the Olympic Movement and the governments)
Tax agreement:
– Ref : RS
– Date of the agreement: 05.03.2001 modified by Exchange of letter dated 15.07/30.07.2002 for the
establishment of the European Office of the Agency in Lausanne.
– Came into force: 01.07.2000

DNDi – Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative
Chemin Louis-Dunant 15, CH – 1202 Geneva
Tel. +41 22 906 92 30, fax +41 22 906 92 31
Executive Director: Mr Bernard Pécoul (France)
Date of creation: 2003
Agreement on privileges and immunities:
– Ref.: RS
– Date of the agreement: 09.12.2010
– Came into force: 09.12.2010

FIND – Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics
Chemin des Mines 9, CH – 1202 Geneva
Tel. +41 22 710 05 90, fax +41 22 710 05 99
Executive Director: Mr William Richard Rodriguez (United States of America)
Date of creation: 2003
Agreement on privileges and immunities:
– Ref.: RS
– Date of the agreement: 09.12.2010
– Came into force: 09.12.2010

GAIN – Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition
Rue de Varembé 7, CH – 1202 Geneva
Tel. +41 22 749 18 50, fax +41 22 749 18 51
Executive Director: Mr Lawrence Haddad (Great Britain)
Date of creation: 2003
Agreement on privileges and immunities:
– Ref.: RS
– Date of the agreement: 16.12.2010
– Came into force: 16.12.2010

GARDP – GARDP Foundation
Rue Camille-Vidart 15, CH – 1202 Geneva
Tel. +41 22 555 19 90
Executive Director: Mr Manica Balasegaram (Great Britain and Switzerland)
Date of creation: 2018
Agreement on privileges and immunities:
– Ref.: RS
– Date of the agreement: 10.03.2021
– Came into force: 10.03.2021

GICHD – Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining
CIDHG – Centre international de déminage humanitaire – Genève
Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2C, CH – 1211 Geneva 1
Tel. +41 22 730 93 60, fax +41 22 730 93 62
Director: Mr Stefano Toscano (Switzerland)
Date of creation: 1998
Agreement on the status:
– Ref.: RS
– Date of the agreement: 25.02.2003
– Came into force : 25.02.2003

HD Centre – Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue
HD Centre – Centre pour le Dialogue Humanitaire
Rue de Lausanne 114, CH – 1202 Geneva
Tel. +41 22 908 11 30, fax +41 22 908 11 40
Executive Director: Mr David Harland (New Zealand)
Date of creation: 1999
Agreement on privileges and immunities:
– Ref.: RS
– Date of the agreement: 03.07.2015
– Came into force: 03.07.2015

ICoCA – International Code of Conduct for Private Security Service Providers’ Association
ICoCA – Association du Code de conduite international des entreprises de sécurité privées
Nations Business Center, 3rd Floor – rue du Pré-de-la-Bichette 1, CH – 1202 Geneva
Tel. +41 22 727 07 57
Executive Director: Mr Jamie Williamson (Great Britain)
Date of creation: 2013
Agreement on privileges and immunities:
– Ref.: RS
– Date of the agreement: 18.11.2019
– Came into force: 18.11.2019

Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2E, CH -1202 Geneva
Tel. +41 22 404 59 00, fax +41 22 404 59 01
General Director: Mr Scott Weber (France and USA)
Date of creation: 1994
Agreement on privileges and immunities:
– Ref.: RS
– Date of the agreement: 15.01.2018
– Came into force: 15.01.2018

IOC – International Olympic Committee
CIO – Comité International Olympique
Château de Vidy, CH – 1007 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 621 61 11, fax +41 21 621 62 16
President: Mr Thomas Bach (Germany)
Date of creation: 1894
Agreement on the status:
– Ref.: RS 192.122.415.1
– Date of the agreement: 01.11.2000
– Came into force: 01.11.2000

Medicines Patent Pool (MPP)
Rue de Varembé 7, CH – 1202 Genève
Tel. +41 22 533 50 50
Executive Director: Mr Francis Charles Storar Gore (Great Britain)
Date of creation: 2010
Agreement on privileges and immunities:
– Ref.: RS.
– Date of the agreement: 12.02.2018
– Came into force: 12.02.2018

MMV – Medicines for Malaria Venture
Route de Pré-Bois 20, CH – 1211 Geneva 15
Tel. +41 22 555 03 00, fax +41 22 555 03 69
Chief Executive Officer: Mr David Reddy (New Zealand and Switzerland)
Date of creation: 1999
Agreement on privileges and immunities:
– Ref.: RS
– Date of the agreement: 09.12.2010
– Came into force: 09.12.2010

WEF – World Economic Forum
WEF – Forum Economique Mondial
Route de la Capite 91-93, CH – 1223 Cologny
Tel. +41 22 869 12 12, fax +41 22 786 27 44
Executive Chairman: Mr Boerge Brende (Norway)
Date of creation: 1971
Agreement on the status:
– Ref.: RS.
– Date of the agreement: 23.01.2015
– Came into force: 23.01.2015



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